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נשים בחממת בוראות



Tahareinu project operates a hotline that counsels ultra-Orthodox women on medical and sexual issues. The Bor'ot incubator program enabled it to expand and streamline its operations.

Rabbi Yitzchak Malber and Chaya Malber



פרוייקט "טהרנו" | הרב יצחק מלבר וחיה מלבר
המרכז לבריאות לב האישה בבית חולים הדסה

The Hadassah Women's Heart Center

The grant served to produce a promotional video about the unique symptoms of heart attacks in women, in order to raise awareness among the general public of the different presentation of cardiovascular diseases in women when compared with men.

 Dr. Dana Tzfat, CEO of the Hadassah Women's Heart Center, and Hanna Muscovitch-Gartenberg, Marketing Manager at the Women's Health Center, Hadassah


The video

בריאות הלב

The Endometriosis Ambassador Program

Seventeen activists with endometriosis were trained to become experts on their condition by delving into the medical, social, personal, and gender aspects of endometriosis. They have also been provided with tools for public engagement and presentations, so that upon completion of the training they were able to create their own initiatives in order to raise awareness of this debilitating disease that affects one in ten women but is diagnosed with an 11 (!) year delay in Israel.

The Endometriosis Ambassadors went on to found their own NGO: Endo Israel - now a thriving organization and community that changed the landscape for endometriosis patients and their families in Israel.

Endo Israel website

שגרירות אנדומטריוזיס בישראל | איריס פינק,  מיכל עמית וניצן ברנשטיין
לנה שגיא
השלכות פסיכולוגיות לאחר לידה | לנה שגיא דאין
 קשת כורם השלכות פסיכולוגיות לאחר לידה | 

A study on birth experiences of women in Israel

This research project in two hospitals - Carmel and Bnei Zion - is the first of its kind to provide quantitative data, along with a theoretical gender analysis, of obstetric violence in Israel. These data can be used to optimize and improve the treatment of women in childbirth and encourage policy changes in the field.


Keshet Korem, PhD candidate, the Women and Gender Studies program at the University of Haifa.

Lena Shagai-Dain, senior gynecologist at Carmel Medical Center.

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הירשמו לניוזלטר שלנו

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