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Medical Care and Sexual Trauma

The Problem

Medical Care for Women with a History of Sexual Trauma:

Sexual trauma can have implications for both physical and mental health, and for patient cooperation with medical care. Despite the high prevalence of sexual trauma, until recently, the healthcare system in Israel did not consider women with a history of sexual trauma as a group with unique needs and sensitivities. Most medical staff have not received any training on this subject.

Sexual Abuse by Medical Staff:

There are extreme cases of physicians or other healthcare professionals who take advantage of their patients' trust and abuse them physically or verbally. Many women are reluctant to file a complaint, as some complaints are brushed away by the authorities. Thereby, offenders can harm women repeatedly.

Promoting Change




We supported a number of initiatives through our Bor'ot incubator that aim to improve healthcare services for women with a history of sexual abuse: 


Second Cohort:

Support for the establishment of the Israeli Society for Sexual Trauma Treatment & Prevention (ISTT)

The Dorothy project - a kit with information and equipment for those who seek assistance at acute rooms for victims of sexual assault across the country

'Atufa, Assuta Medical Center- personalized support during childbirth for women with a history of trauma

Lilac Clinic, Kaplan Medical Center - A clinic for pregnancy and childbirth support for women with a history of sexual trauma. 

Third Cohort:

Somatic Knowledge - Therapists' training to conduct online therapeutic groups focusing on mind-body work for women who have experienced sexual trauma.

In First Person - training program for women with a history of sexual trauma to articulate their personal stories for social change

Ma'atefet project - a unique mobile app for survivors of sexual assault


Forth Cohort:

Prevention of Sexual Harassment program at Wolfson Medical Center - a pilot program for prevention of sexual harassment within medical teams at Wolfson Medical Center (link)

Project Tamar - training the entire staff at the IVF clinic of the Sheba-Tel Hashomer Medical Center in trauma-informed care. (link)








Together with other organizations, we promote proper handling of sexual harassment complaints against medical staff, the creation of an efficient mechanism that will penalize offenders and ensure they cannot commit such offences repeatedly.

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